08-14-10 Foundations and Roads Part 2

I constructed the foundation and road for the mill in the brewery complex.

I cut strips of cardboard and glued them down to build up the supports for the foundation. I wanted the foundation to be level with the top of the rails.

I glued two layers of cardboard on top of the supports to form the foundation on both sides of the track. I cut out small pieces of cardboard and glued them in between the rails. I left two open sections to represent the grain dumps. I glued down more strips of cardboard to form the supports for the silo foundations.

I glued down the silo foundations. I added the supports for the road that loops in front of the mill.

I glued down the cardboard that forms the road. I also added some sidewalks along the road. Next, I will work on the roads and foundations on the other side of the tracks.

• 08-14-10 Foundations and Roads Part 2