04-11-08 Change of Scenery
The first change of scenery is the website itself. I installed a new content management system to fix a few things that I did not like about the previous one I was using. The original content is still here. I have added a feature to the Expansion section that will group the articles by the type of work.
The second change of scenery is on the layout. I decided to take a break from model building and work on some scenery. I started work on the mountain ridge that will span the two modules between the Ntrak module and the yard module.
06-07-08 Plastered
I have added a layer of plaster to the mountain ridge.
06-14-08 Tunnel Portal
Before I could continue the scenery on the mountain ridge, I had to install the tunnel portal.
06-29-08 Creating A Seam
I had to deal with the seam where the removable mountain ridge meets the plywood.
07-20-08 Rock Wall
I had to add a rock wall where the track cuts through the ridge.
08-03-08 Smoothing the Ridge
I had to smooth out the depressions the plaster cloth formed when it was draped over the cardboard structure on the mountain ridge.
08-10-08 Engine House
In order to continue doing scenery, I had to put together the engine house kit.
08-23-08 Engine House Foundation
Now that the engine house is constructed, I could build its foundation.
08-30-08 Ground Work
I constructed the rest of the ground around the engine house and the front of the module.
09-14-08 Mini Ridge
I worked on the ridge that will sit in front of the track forming the opposite side of the rock cut.
09-28-08 Rocks and Undercoat
Before I could apply a basic ground color, I decided to add some rock outcroppings
10-26-08 Ground Covering
After many delays, I was able to add ground cover on the mountain ridge and the surrounding area.
11-16-08 Ballast
I ballasted the track on the end loop module that I have been working on.